Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Learning From Earthquakes

Baja California, Mexico

Data Map

ShakeMap is a product of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program in conjunction with the regional seismic networks. ShakeMaps provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes. These maps are used by federal, state, and local organizations, both public and private, for post-earthquake response and recovery, public and scientific information, as well as for preparedness exercises and disaster planning. (USGS)

Reconnaissance Photo Gallery

The Reconnaissance Photo Gallery is a repository of photos taken by EERI field teams and other contributors. Many photos are geolocated and allow field teams, researchers, and those involved in recovery effort to identify specific damage locations by site and proximity to other features using the Data Map. The Photo Gallery can be filtered by user and searched for specific records, or used to upload photos in the field.

Featured Resources

September 10, 2018
By Jonathan P. Stewart, Scott J. Brandenberg, John Fletcher, James R. Gingery, Kenneth W. Hudnut, Tim McCrink, Jorge F. Meneses, Diane Murbach, Tomas Rockwell, John Tinsley, David...
September 10, 2018
Earthquake information from USGS including ShakeMap and PAGER


Link to external resourceSeismology
USGS Event PageEarthquake information from USGS including ShakeMap and PAGER
Geotechnical EngineeringReportSeismology
Preliminary Report on Seismological and Geotechnical Engineering Aspects of the April 4 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah (Mexico) EarthquakeBy Jonathan P. Stewart, Scott J. Brandenberg, John Fletcher, James R. Gingery, Kenneth W. Hudnut, Tim McCrink, Jorge F. Meneses, Diane Murbach, Tomas Rockwell, John Tinsley, David Ayres, Geoff Faneros, Ling-ho, Tara Hutchinson, Dong Youp Kwak,&n...
Ground failureReportStructural Engineering
The Mw 7.2 El Mayor Cucapah (Baja California) Earthquake of April 4, 2010By Jorge Meneses, Jonathan Stewart, Robert Anderson, José Angel, Jeremy Callister, Mark Creveling, Curt Edwards, Lisa Everingham, Víctor Garcia-Delgado, Arnold Gastelum, Gabriele Guerrini, Ricardo Hernandez, Matthew Hoehler, Tara Hutchinson, David King, Ioannis Koutromanos, Betsy Mathieson, Silvia Mazzon...
EERI team updateReportSeismologyStructural Engineering
The El Mayor Cucapah, Baja California Earthquake Reconnaissance ReportBy Jorge Meneses, Robert Anderson, Tara Hutchinson, Janise Rodgers, Jose Angel, David King, Travis Sanders, Jeremy Callister, Ioannis Koutromanos, Heidi Stenner, Mark Creveling, Betsy Mathieson, Majid Sarraf, Curt Edwards, Silvia Mazzoni,&n...
BuildingsReportStructural Engineering
Reconnaissance Report on MexicaliBy Benson Shing, Andreas Stavridis, Juan Murcia-Delso, Flavio Mosele, Ioannis Koutromanos, Hussein Okail, and Gabriele Guerrini. April 2010, UC San Diego. The reconnaissance team visited Mexicali on April 7, 2010. The city is 29 miles north of the epicenter according to the information from USGS, and has a ...
ReportStructural Engineering
Reconnaissance Report on CalexicoBy Benson Shing, Andreas Stavridis, Juan Murcia, Flavio Mosele, Ioannis Koutromanos, Hussein Okail, and Gabriele Guerrini. April 2010, UC San Diego. The reconnaissance team visited Calexico on April 7, 2010. The city is 32 miles north-northwest of the epicenter, and has a population of about 27,100 (Wikiped...
Link to external resourceSeismology
Baja California Earthquake: Observations and Implications for Southern CaliforniaBy Eric Fielding, John Fletcher, Jay Parker, and Jerry Treiman Geologist. April 17, 2010, American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union 2010 Fall Meeting - Press Conference.
Link to external resourceMedia/news
News ArticlesSelect news articles on the impacts of the 2010 Baja California Earthquake A. Baja California Imagery  Dramatic ground failures at the Bosque de la Ciudad   B. Media Reports Aftershocks Rattle Mexico-California Region Hit by Quake by New York Times (April 5, 2010)
Roads and bridgesStructural Engineering
Damaged BridgesBy Majid Sarraf. April 13 2010, Parsons. Observation of damaged bridges (photos).
BuildingsEmergency responseHealthcare
Photos compiled by CSSCApril 5 2010, California Seismic Safety Commission. Photos compiled by California Seismic Safety Commission from Internet sources.

Photo Gallery

Photos in this gallery have been contributed by EERI members and California Earthquake Clearinghouse participants. Photos from this gallery can be used for non-commercial purposes with proper attribution.

Photo Information
Attachment ID
Date Taken
Data Copyright Holder
Original Filename
File Type
Additional Information
Record ID
Observer Name
Observer Email
Experience Level of Observer
Observation Category
Date and Time of Observation
Type of Bridge
Observer Area of Expertise
Professional Licenses Held By Observer
Site Owner
Site Latitude
Site Longitude
Bridge ID
Bridge Foundation
Length (ft)
Width (ft)
Year Built
Year of Retrofit
Causes of Damage (Bridges)
Bridge Functional
Estimated Repair Time
Additional Notes (Bridges)
Level of Lead Organization
Type of Organization
Incident Command System Functional Area
Additional notes (Emergency Management/Response)

Data Map

A preview of the data map is shown below. For more functionality (toggle layers, adjust transparency, and view data tables), view the map on ArcGIS Online here.

Materials on this site and on the data maps may be used with proper atrribution (Name of individual or organizational contributor) for non-commercial uses. Questions, contact

How to Contribute

EERI members and other earthquake risk reduction professionals can contribute to reconnaissance efforts for this earthquake in the following ways:
1. Share your reconnaissance plans

If you will be participating as a part of a reconnaissance mission, recovery mission, or traveling to the impacted area for any other purpose, please share information about your plans through the Contact Form.  EERI can help link you to others in the field, support you in efforts to share photos or observations, and connect you with the EERI team (if one is mobilized).

2. Check into the local clearinghouse

If you plan to conduct reconnaissance, please make sure to be in communication with Recep “Ray” Cakir, who is leading the Physical Clearinghouse in Ankara. The information collected through reconnaissance can provide valuable situational awareness for those responding. The physical clearinghouse will close on May 15, 2023 and, at that time, local clearinghouse operations will continue virtually. Ray will continue to serve as the Clearinghouse contact and can be reached at:

3. Contribute Photos and Notes

Contribute post-earthquake field observations and photos. Once reconnaissance teams and others begin to share their photos and observations, they will also be shown on the virtual clearinghouse  Data Map and Photo Gallery pages.  All submissions will help inform both reconnaissance and recovery efforts.  A video tutorial on how to upload photos is available here.

For login information and help, please email

4. Submit an Paper to the Earthquake Spectra Special Collection

Earthquake Spectra invites earthquake researchers to contribute papers to a special collection titled, “Impact of the February 6, 2023 M7.8 and M7.6 Earthquakes in Turkey on the Built Environment, and Implications on Seismic Hazard.” More Information about how to submit a paper is available here:

5. Review Ethical Reconnaissance Training Materials

As you consider reconnaissance, you are encouraged to review training materials for ethical reconnaissance from CONVERGE, available here:

Other Ways to Contribute

Earthquake investigators are encouraged to contact EERI staff at if they have suggestions about how they can contribute to this clearinghouse effort.

EERI members and other earthquake risk reduction professionals can contribute to reconnaissance efforts for this earthquake in the following ways:

1. Contribute Photos and Notes

There are several ways that you can contribute to our data collection effort.  (A) Contribute post-earthquake field observations and photos or (B) contribute relevant pre-event images of the impacted area to provide baseline data for locations that field teams should visit to observe impacts. Once reconnaissance teams and others begin to share their photos and observations, they will also be shown on the virtual clearinghouse  Data Map and Photo Gallery pages.  All submissions will help inform both reconnaissance and recovery efforts.

Here is a video on how to use our batch uploader tool here.

For login information and help, please email

Earthquake investigators are encouraged to contact EERI Clearinghouse staff at if they have suggestions about how they can contribute to this clearinghouse effort.


What is A Virtual Clearinghouse?

Virtual Clearinghouses are part of EERI’s Learning for Earthquakes (LFE) program. Beginning in 2009, EERI began to host a series of virtual earthquake clearinghouses after major earthquakes where information coming from the affected area could be quickly shared with members and others. These virtual clearinghouses are websites that contain early information provided by investigators from a variety of disciplines, including members of EERI reconnaissance teams. The virtual clearinghouses primarily capture ephemeral data about each event, but may also be updated with recovery and rebuilding information over time. For a complete list of EERI virtual clearinghouse sites and more information about the Learning From Earthquakes program, visit

How do I use this site?

EERI members and other investigators are encouraged to use this clearinghouse website to share brief observations and photos from the field as well as link to other resources or websites where more detailed information can be found. Please help contribute to our effort.

The Resources page displays all the resources collected through various sources (i.e. field reconnaissance posts, reconnaissance reports, links to previously collected data sources, housing reports for the affected area, etc.) in a searchable summary table. These resources are organized by categories. This page provides users with several resources including reconnaissance reports. It also contains links to other sites for more information.

The Data Map displays observations (primarily captioned photos but occasionally other data) from EERI field teams or other contributors showing earthquake damage and impacts. Many of these photos are geolocated to allow field teams, researchers and those involved in the recovery effort to identify specific damage locations.

The Photo Gallery is a database of these photos that can be searched for specific information. Data Maps also overlay many data layers from other organizations including the USGS shake maps and ground motion stations when possible.

The How to Contribute page identifies ways that EERI members and other earthquake risk reduction experts can contribute to the reconnaissance effort and virtual clearinghouse site.

If you are interested in a particular topic, use the search bar at the top of the page to find information on specific subjects, navigate posts, and uncover related media articles. Additionally, use the search bar to explore the Photo Gallery to see what has been posted thus far.

How does EERI respond to earthquakes?
What does a reconnaissance team do?

EERI responds to earthquakes as a part of its Learning from Earthquakes (LFE) program. EERI often sends a reconnaissance team of earthquake risk mitigation experts to investigate earthquake impacts depending on the earthquake magnitude, location, extent of impacts on the built environment, funding constraints, and many other factors. The reconnaissance team makes a rapid, general damage survey of the affected area, documents initial important observations from the particular earthquake, and assesses the need for follow-up areas of research. Observations and findings from these teams support emergency response and recovery activities in the short term and improve the understanding of natural hazards and how to mitigate their impacts in the long term.

Who is EERI?

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) is a nonprofit multi-disciplinary technical society of engineers, practicing professionals, and researchers dedicated to reducing earthquake risk. For more information visit