Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Learning From Earthquakes

Nepal Earthquake Reconnaissance Briefing Webinar

August 12, 2019

EERI Briefing video series about the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. The 14 videos feature an introduction on EERI’s response to the event, presentations in different topic areas by each member of the reconnaissance team that visited Nepal in June, and a summary of the mission’s findings. Briefing videos range in duration from 10 to 35 minutes, and can be watched individually or in a series.


Introduction to the EERI Learning From Earthquakes Briefing Videos (Summary of the reconnaissance team objectives, methodology, unique features, and team members)
— Bret Lizundia
Slide set download (PDF)


Brief Introduction to Nepal and the Earthquake (Summary of Nepal’s geology, geography, physiographic regions, earthquake hazard, demographics, and earthquake impacts)
— Surya Shrestha
Slide set download (PDF)


Seismicity and Ground Motions
— Kishor Jaiswal
Slide set download (PDF)


Building Performance Part I: Building Type Overview, RC Frame with Masonry Infill, and Wood Frame
— Hemant Kaushik
Slide set download (PDF)


Building Performance Part II: URM Bearing Wall Buildings, Postearthquake Safety Evaluation, Barricades/Shoring, School Retrofits
— Bret Lizundia
Slide set download (PDF)


Performance of Healthcare Facilities
— Judy Mitrani-Reiser and Hari Kumar
Slide set download (PDF)


Social, Psychological and Cultural Factors
— Courtney Welton-Mitchell
Slide set download (PDF)


— Jan Kupec
Slide set download (PDF)


Emergency Response
— Ganesh Kumar Jimee
Slide set download (PDF)


Performance of Cultural Heritage Structures
— Suraj Shrestha
Slide set download (PDF)


Building Codes
— John Bevington
Slide set download (PDF)


— Rachel Davidson
Slide set download (PDF)


Resilience and Community Case Studies
— Chris Poland
Slide set download (PDF)


Summary of Findings
— Bret Lizundia
Slide set download (PDF)