Investigating Community Resilience in Nepal: A Healthcare Focus
July 2, 2018
By J. Mitrani-Reiser, M. Mieler, H. Kumar, S. Shrestha, Michael Germaraad, K. O’Conor, T.D. Kirsch.
January 2017, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Following the M7.8 earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Nepal, an international research team of several academic and practitioner experts in earthquake engineering, disaster management, and medicine spent two weeks (spread over one year) in Nepal documenting its impact. This paper uses multidisciplinary reconnaissance observations collected roughly one month (EERI/NSET reconnaissance team) after the earthquake and then again one year (PEER/EERI reconnaissance team) after the earthquake to assess community impact and recovery, with a specific focus on the health care sector.