Investigating Community Resilience in Chautara, Nepal
July 2, 2018
By B. Lizundia, H. Kaushik, J. Kupec, S. Shrestha, C. Welton-Mitchell.
January 2017, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Following the M7.8 earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Nepal, as part of the Earthquake Engineering Reconnaissance Institute (EERI) reconnaissance trip, a research team of several academics and practitioners in earthquake engineering and risk reduction spent a few days in the town of Chautara, Nepal to document the impact of the earthquake. This paper uses our multidisciplinary reconnaissance observations about a variety of community sectors to describe the state of Chautara in early June 2015 and to identify several factors and conditions that can help understand how resilient this community was to the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake and its aftershocks.