Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Learning From Earthquakes

Sumatra-Andaman Islands and Indian Ocean Tsunami

December 26, 2004, M9.0 Earthquake EERI REPORTS OTHER REPORTS PHOTO GALLERY & VIDEOS SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS The Great Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean TsunamiThis comprehensive powerpoint presentation is intended for use by individuals who are giving presentations to their colleagues, community groups, EERI student chapters and others. It was developed to explain the origins of the earthquake and ensuing tsunami (including a brief outline of earthquake and tsunami generation) and to document the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami in many countries around the Indian Ocean. It also includes slides on past tsunamis in the USA as well as a discussion of tsunami risk reduction methods.The presentation includes:
  • 63 comprehensive slides with presentation notes to assist the speaker
  • 10 amazing live video clips
  • Over 30 reconnaissance images from the devastated region including Indonesia, the Andaman Islands, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka.
Download a free version (PowerPoint) without the video clips, here (10 MB). To obtain a version on CD that includes all 10 video clips as well as an html version of the presentation, click here to order. The CD version costs $10 for EERI members, or $25 for nonmembers, including taxes, shipping and handling. LINKS Seismology Physics of Tsunamis Emergency Planning & Mitigation for California INFORMATION BY COUNTRY
Sri Lanka