San Simeon, California

December 22, 2003, M6.5 Earthquake
Available Information
- Newsletter Articles
- Reconnaissance Team Reports
- Findings and Recommendations from the San Simeon Earthquake of December 22, 2003 by the California Seismic Safety Commission
- California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN), San Simeon Earthquake information and links
- Downtown Paso Robles 12/22/03
- Non-structural damage to Paso Robles area wineries
- Downtown Paso Robles 12/23/03
- Damage on Highway 46, 10 miles east of Cambria
- Photo Gallery by Patricia Grossi and Agustin Rodriguez of Risk Management Solutions
- Photo Gallery by Lew Rosenberg, County Geologist, San Luis Obispo County
- Photo log from Bijan Khazai, Geotechnical Engineering, UC Berkeley