Honshu (offshore)

July 16, 2007, M6.6 Earthquake
Available Information
- Reconnaissance Team Reports
- Special Earthquake Report from September, 2007 Newsletter [PDF]
- Preliminary Observations on the Niigata-Chuetsu Oki, Japan, Earthquake of July 16, 2007 – Prepared by EERI and GEER (October 9, 2007) [PDF]
- Preliminary report of the July 16, 2007 Niigata prefecture Chuetsu Off shore (Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki), Japan, Earthquake
- Kyoto University report
- BBC NEWS – Earthquake rocks Japan
- BBC NEWS – Japan rocked by major earthquake
- Google Earth map of earthquake reconnaissance photos and their locations (kml file* provided by USGS) *Requires installation of Google Earth