Coalinga, California
May 2, 1983, M6.5 Earthquake
Available Information
- Reconnaissance Team Reports
- A Preliminary Survey of Damage to the Commercial District, [PDF]
- The Coalinga, California, Earthquake of may 2, 1983: A Reconnaissance Report, by Roger Scholl and James Stratta, co-editors, 1984, 312 pp.
- Earthquake Spectra Articles
- Post-Earthquake Performance of Pipelines in Coalinga, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 2, no. 4 (October 1986), pp. 729-745
- Data Recorded on U.S. National Strong-Motion Network Near Coalinga–by the USGS [PDF]
- Preliminary Summary of Strong-Motion Records [PDF]
- TCLEE News Release [PDF]
- “Scientists Test New Fault Theory Following Coalinga Earthquake”–by the USGS [PDF]
- “Faults Responsible for Coalinga Earthquakes Located”–by the USGS [PDF]
- “Earthquake: Long Beach 1933 – Coalinga 1983 but With a Difference–by Amrhein and Giron [PDF]
- “Learning From a Big Quake”–from Sunset Magazine [PDF]
- Coalinga: Minimizing Rumors – Maximizing communication”–from the FEMA Newsletter [PDF]
- “Coalinga – Lessons in Preservation”–from the California Preservation [PDF]
- Newspaper Clippings [PDF]