Champerico, Guatemala

November 7, 2012, M 7.4 Earthquake
Available Information
(source: Omar G. Flores B.) EERI Reports
- The November 7, 2012 M7.2 Guatemala Earthquake and its implications for disaster reduction and mitigation(Web Report)
- The November 7, 2012 M7.2 Guatemala Earthquake and its implications for disaster reduction and mitigation (PDF)
- Reporte de Sismo. Sismo del dia 7 de Noviembre de 2012, Chiapas (Mw 7.3) (Instituto de Geofisica Servicio Sismologico Nacional, government of Mexico)
- Map of Affected Area (Spanish) (Instituto Nacional de Electrificacion)
- Instituto Nacional de Sismologia, Vulcanologia, Meteorologia e Hidrologia
- Guatemala earthquake: Search for San Marcos missing (BBC News)
- Guatemala Earthquake 2012: Temblor Death Toll Rises to 53 (Video)
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Tsunami Warning
- Sismo deja gran destrucción (Slideshow)
- Guatemala Sismica (Facebook)
- Red Sismologica Nacional, Costa Rica (Facebook)