Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Learning From Earthquakes


January 26, 2001, M7.7 Earthquake   The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute dispatched a team of scientists and engineers to study the impacts of the 7.7 Bhuj Earthquake that devastated the State of Gujarat, India on January 26, 2001. Funded by the National Science Foundation as part of EERI’s Learning from Earthquakes Program, EERI’s joint India/US team was led by structural engineering Professor Sudhir Jain, India Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and geologist William Lettis, William Lettis and Associates, Walnut Creek, California. The team included earth scientists, civil and structural engineers, and an Indian government official. The nine U.S. team members spent ten days in the field with their Indian counterparts in an investigation of the impacts of the earthquake on the built environment, lifelines, port facilities, emergency response, shelter and interim housing. The team began their reconnaissance investigation in the city of Ahmedabad, and then moved to the more severely damaged epicentral areas. The preliminary report and photos are posted below. EERI REPORTS OTHER REPORTS