These early donors represent a diverse cross section of the EERI membership from academic to practitioner and early career to expert. All of them agree that the LFE program should be maintained into the future and that it is critical to EERI’s future success.
Elite Sustainers
- Clarence R Allen*
- David A Friedman & Paulette J Meyer*+♣
- Ashraf Habibullah*+
- Haresh C. and Mary-Joan H. Shah*
- Degenkolb Engineers*
- Thalia Anagnos & Jeff Koseff*+
- Lloyd & Janet Cluff*+
- Craig D & Nancy T Comartin+♣
- Mary C Comerio*+
- Computers & Structures, Inc*♣
- Sandra Hyde*+♣
- Laurie A Johnson*
- Marshall & Jenny Lew*+
- Janiele Maffei and Rob Tovani*♣
- Chris D Poland*+◘
- Christopher Rojahn & Stephanie A King*
- Susan K Tubbesing*+
- Ivan Wong*◘
- Beverly & Loring Wyllie*
- Anonymous*
- Lucy Arendt*+♣
- Anil Chopra*
- Ronald T Eguchi♣
- Forell | Elsesser Structural Engineers*
- Robert D & Kaye N Hanson*+
- Richard Huggins*
- Jay & Eileen Love*+
- Terry Lundeen*+
- Jack P Moehle*+
- Farzad Naeim*+
- Masayoshi Nakashima*+
- Tom & Pat O’Rourke Heidi & Bill Tremayne*+♣
- Sharon Wood◘
- T Leslie Youd*+
- John G Anderson
- Roger D Borcherdt◘
- Ian Buckle
- David W Cocke+
- Craig A Davis◘
- Gilsanz Murray Steficek LLP+
- Marjorie Greene & Garry Nicol+
- William Holmes Charles & Melisa Huyck+
- IM Idriss+♣
- Josephson-Werdowatz & Associates, Inc
- Ryan & Samantha Kersting♣
- KPFF Consulting Engineers
- Faiz & Rima Makdisi+♣
- Robin McGuire
- Brian Olson+
- Cynthia L Perry♣
- Jeff Rubin
- Barbara Simpson♣
- Slate Geotechnical Consultants
- Jonathan and Alisa Stewart
- L Thomas Tobin
- Barry H Welliver+
- Meg Ackerson
- Ian Aiken
- Air Worldwide
- Hanan Al-Nimry
- Sergio Alcocer
- Elizabeth Angell♣
- Anonymous (15)♣
- Christina Aronson
- Cale Ashο
- Christie Assadollahi♣
- Jack Baker
- S Ali Bastani
- Ana Maria Parra Bastidas
- Christine (Zee) Beyzaei+
- Jacobo Bielak
- Erik Bishop
- Patricia Bolton
- Jeff Bond
- David Bonowitz
- Edmund Booth
- Carlien Bou-Chedid+ο♣
- Ross & Joyce Boulanger+
- Scott Brandenberg
- Jonathan Bray
- Brigham Young University
- Matthew E Bussmann+
- Omar-Dario Cardona
- Trevor Carey♣
- Clinton Carlson◘
- Brian Carlton
- Panayotis Carydis
- Shannon Casares
- Chris Cattron
- Veronica Cedillos+♦♣
- Jose Centeno◘
- Alice Chang-Richards
- Barbara Chang
- Wayne Chang♣
- Claudio Chesi
- Gary Christenson
- Devon Clayton
- Kelly Elizabeth Cobeen♣
- Silvana Cobos
- Kate and David Cocke
- John M Coil
- Joel Conte
- Tensar Corporation
- Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu
- Tim Dawson♣
- Gregory Deierlein+♣
- Juan Murcia Delso
- Ricardo Dobry
- C Terry Dooley+
- Richard Dreyer♣
- Isela Dy
- Eadie Consultants♣
- Charles Eadie
- John Egan
- Richard Eisner♣
- Teresa Elliot◘
- William Elliott♣◘
- William and Nancy Ellsworth
- Ken Elwood
- Linda Emery
- Annde Ewertsen♣
- Sohrab Esfandiari
- Tal Feinstein
- Erica Fischer+
- Foundation Engineering Inc
- Mathew Francis
- Jody and David Frost♣
- Carmine Galasso◘
- Mikael Gartner
- Eldon Gath♣
- Henri Gavin
- Bora Gencturk♣
- S K Ghosh◘
- Dikshit Goel◘
- Ramin Golesorkhi◘
- James Goltz
- Phillip L Gould+♣
- Dr. Phillip L Gould and Dr. Nathan C Gould◘
- Christine Goulet♣
- Mel Green◘
- Nicholas Gregor♣
- Patricia Grossi♣
- Polat Gülkan
- Hamid Haddadi♣
- Manny Hakhamaneshi+
- Tim Hart
- John R Hayes Jr
- Walter W & Sylvia J Hays+
- Monique Head
- Jon and Catherine Heintz
- Sara Hemenway
- Richard Henige
- Ricardo Henoch♣
- Sonya Hollenbeck+
- Joe Hollstein
- Ayse Hortacsu & Pete Richards◊
- Matias Hube
- Anne Hulsey
- Jeffrey Hunt◘
- Saif Hussain◘
- Tara Hutchinson+
- Roy Imbsen
- Ayhan Irfanoglu
- Kanako Iuchi
- Rob Jackson♣
- Ezra Jampole+
- Paul C Jennings+
- James Jirsa
- Gayle Johnson◘
- Katherine Johnson◘
- Pierson Savage Jones
- Grace Kang♣
- Faye Karababa
- Maha Kenawy
- Kinemetrics
- Anne Kiremidjian♣
- Keith and Annie Knudsen♣
- Alix and Albert Kottke
- Steve Kramer
- Ben Kravets
- Cynthia Kroll
- Alan Kropp+
- Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar
- Neal Simon Kwong
- Francois and Rebecca Laberenne+♦
- David Lallemant◘
- Anna Lang
- Peter L Lee♣
- Roberto T Leon
- Franklin & Virginia Lew+
- Liftech Consultants Inc
- Ting Lin♣
- Yolanda Lin◘
- Jose M Lockhart
- Pablo Lopez
- John Louie
- Nicolas Luco
- Lindsey Maclise & Ibbi Almufti+ο♣
- George Mader
- Maffei Structural Engineering
- Mike & Julie Mahoney+♣
- James & Jill Malley
- Shaily Manglani
- Kenneth Mark
- Justin Marshall♣
- Ron Mayes+
- Silvia Mazzoni
- Steven McCabe+
- Timothy McCrink
- Chiara McKenney+♣
- Marcia K McLaren◘
- Jorge Meneses+
- Mitsumasa Midorikawa
- Danielle & Mike Mielerο♣
- Mina Miller & David Sabritt+
- Eduardo Miranda♣
- James Mitchell◘
- Judith Mitrani-Reiser+
- Carlos Molina-Hutt♣
- Gonzalo Montalva
- Ashley Morales-Cartagena♣
- Justin Moresco♣
- Troy Morgan
- Diane Moug♣
- Ignace Mugabo♣
- Debra Murphy
- Polly Murray♣
- Simin Naaseh and Farhang Ostadan♣
- Svetlana Nikolic-Brzev+◘
- Guy Nordenson
- Terri R Norton♣
- Camillo Nuti◘
- OLMM Consulting Engineers
- Michael O’Rourke
- Tyler Oathes♣
- Robert Olshansky♣
- Maggie Ortiz-Millan+
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company+
- Victor M Pavón+
- Lori Peek◘
- Maryann Phipps♣
- Jean-Paul Pinelli
- Omar Plata
- Lawrence Porter
- William Price◘
- Cynthia L Pridmore♣
- Sharyl Rabinovici
- Peter Revelli
- Satwant Rihal◘
- Norman J & Phyllis R Rizzi
- RMA Group on behalf of the San Diego Chapter
- Ian Robertson+
- Janise Rodgers
- Adrian Rodriguez-Marek
- Laura Samant
- Guillermo Santana
- G Rodolfo Saragoni
- Majid Sarraf
- Kent Sasaki
- Anshel J Schiff◘
- Arturo Schultz
- John Schultz
- Mayank Sharma
- SE Solutions LLC
- Halil Sezen♣
- Anthony Shakal+◘
- Sunil Sharma
- John Sherstobitoff
- Nilesh Shome
- Surya Narayan Shrestha+◊
- Dr. Erin L. D. Sibley
- Luis Cortes Silva
- Kurt Soncco Sinchi
- Anselm Smolka+
- Emily So
- Shannon Spiers
- Jamison Steidl◘
- Kate Stillwell♣
- Student Leadership Council 2023-2024
- Armin Stuedlein♣
- Taronne Tabucchi♣
- Karl Telleen+♦
- Arturo Tena-Colunga
- Tennebaum-Manheim Engineers+
- Terēan
- John Thornley and Terri Mitchell♣
- Katherine Thibert◘
- Stephen Thompson
- Kathleen Tierney◘
- Tipping Structural Engineers
- Selcuk Toprak
- Vickie Tregner
- Fred Turner♣
- Kristin Ulmer
- Alfredo Urich
- Michael Valley
- Eddie Vega♣
- Carlos Ventura
- Elizabeth Vintzileou
- David Wald+
- The Wald Family♣
- John Wallace◘
- Mason Walters
- Dongsheng Wang◘
- Anne Wein♣
- Barry & Maggie Welliver
- Donald Wells
- Brad Wham+♣
- Laura Whitehurst+
- Hartanto Wibowo♣
- Lynsey Willadsen LaScola
- Maureen Wilmot♣◘
- Edward Wilson
- Peter R Wood
- Suiwen Wu
- Ufuk Yazgan◘
- Zoe Yin+
- Samuel Yniesta
- Kaleigh Yost
- Kent Yu
- Ercan Yuksel
- Stan Zagajeski
- Amy C Zhang
- Jiachen (Charlie) Zhang♣
- Katerina Ziotopoulo
- Clarence R. Allen*
- Lloyd & Janet Cluff*+
- David A. Friedman & Paulette J. Meyer*+♣
- Farzad Naeim*+
- Laurie A. Johnson*
- Haresh C. and Mary-Joan H. Shah*
- Susan K. Tubbesing*+
- Beverly & Loring Wyllie*
In Honor Of
- Apollo
by Anonymous - Daniel J. Alesch
by Lucy Arendt*+♣ - Mark Aschheim
by Meg Ackerson - Prof Vitelmo Bertero
by Eduardo Miranda♣ - Dalida Conde
by Ashley Morales-Cartagena♣ - Dr W Gene Corley
by Dr Phillip L Gould+♣ - Allin Cornell
by Ting Lin♣ - B.J. Dillon
by Dr. Erin L. D. Sibley - David Friedman
by Guy Nordenson - William J Hall
by Steven McCabe+ - Aasc Imbsen
by Roy Imbsen - Kyriakos Karababas
by Faye Karababa - Robert Kirkham
by Rob Jackson - James O Malley
by SE Solutions, LLC - John McCloskey
by Carmine Galasso, LLC - Roland Sharpe
by Richard Huggins* - My father, Paul Sutescu, an outstanding civil engineer
by Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu - Professor Emeritus Emilian Titaru
by Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu - Ken Topping
by Laurie A. Johnson* - University of Colorado Boulder
by Brad Wham+♣ - Juaneita M Veron
by William Elliott♣◘ - LFE Reconnaissance Teams in Turkey
by Maureen Wilmot♣◘ - Helmut Krawinkler
by Roberto T. Leon
In Memory Of
- William A. Anderson
by Lori Peek
Kathleen Tierney - Chris Arnold
by Svetlana Brzev+◘ - Lloyd S. Cluff*+
by William and Nancy Ellsworth
Sara Hemenway
Faiz & Rima Makdisi+♣
Marcia K McLaren◘
Mina Miller & David Sabritt+
Norman J & Phyllis R Rizzi
Vickie Tregner - Bill Iwan
by Fred Turner♣ - Le Val Lund
by William Elliott♣◘ - Dennis Milleti
by David Bonowitz
Lori Peek◘
Fred Turner♣ - Pie
by Sonya Hollenbeck+ - Mete Sozen
by Steven McCabe+ - Phyllis Steckel
by Dr. Phillip L Gould and Dr. Nathan C Gould◘ - Kathryn Bates Turner
by Fred Turner♣ - The victims of earthquakes in India
by Ramancharla Pradeep Kumar - The victims of earthquakes in Turkey
by Fred Turner♣
* Member of LFE Benefactor’s Circle
+ LFE Founding Benefactor
♦ Housner Fellows Class of 2017
◊ Housner Fellows Class of 2014
ο Housner Fellows Class of 2012
♣ April Match Campaign
◘ Completion Campaign 2023